

ID(*args, **kwargs)

param years:

IDN(*args, **kwargs)

param years:

Indonesia(*args, **kwargs)

References: - - - -





class holidays.countries.indonesia.Indonesia(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HolidayBase, BuddhistCalendarHolidays, ChineseCalendarHolidays, ChristianHolidays, InternationalHolidays, IslamicHolidays, StaticHolidays

References: - - - -

  • years – The year(s) to pre-calculate public holidays for at instantiation.

  • expand – Whether the entire year is calculated when one date from that year is requested.

  • observed – Whether to include the dates when public holiday are observed (e.g. a holiday falling on a Sunday being observed the following Monday). This doesn’t work for all countries.

  • subdiv – The subdivision (e.g. state or province) as a ISO 3166-2 code or its alias; not implemented for all countries (see documentation).

  • provdeprecated use subdiv instead.

  • statedeprecated use subdiv instead.

  • language – The language which the returned holiday names will be translated into. It must be an ISO 639-1 (2-letter) language code. If the language translation is not supported the original holiday names will be used.

  • categories – Requested holiday categories.


A HolidayBase object matching the country.

country: str = 'ID'

The country’s ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.

default_language: str | None = 'id'

The entity language used by default.

estimated_label = '%s (perkiraan)'
supported_languages: Tuple[str, ...] = ('en_US', 'id', 'uk')

All languages supported by this entity.

supported_categories: Tuple[str, ...] = ('government', 'public')

All holiday categories supported by this entity.

class holidays.countries.indonesia.ID(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Indonesia

  • years – The year(s) to pre-calculate public holidays for at instantiation.

  • expand – Whether the entire year is calculated when one date from that year is requested.

  • observed – Whether to include the dates when public holiday are observed (e.g. a holiday falling on a Sunday being observed the following Monday). This doesn’t work for all countries.

  • subdiv – The subdivision (e.g. state or province) as a ISO 3166-2 code or its alias; not implemented for all countries (see documentation).

  • provdeprecated use subdiv instead.

  • statedeprecated use subdiv instead.

  • language – The language which the returned holiday names will be translated into. It must be an ISO 639-1 (2-letter) language code. If the language translation is not supported the original holiday names will be used.

  • categories – Requested holiday categories.


A HolidayBase object matching the country.

class holidays.countries.indonesia.IDN(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Indonesia

  • years – The year(s) to pre-calculate public holidays for at instantiation.

  • expand – Whether the entire year is calculated when one date from that year is requested.

  • observed – Whether to include the dates when public holiday are observed (e.g. a holiday falling on a Sunday being observed the following Monday). This doesn’t work for all countries.

  • subdiv – The subdivision (e.g. state or province) as a ISO 3166-2 code or its alias; not implemented for all countries (see documentation).

  • provdeprecated use subdiv instead.

  • statedeprecated use subdiv instead.

  • language – The language which the returned holiday names will be translated into. It must be an ISO 639-1 (2-letter) language code. If the language translation is not supported the original holiday names will be used.

  • categories – Requested holiday categories.


A HolidayBase object matching the country.

class holidays.countries.indonesia.IndonesiaBuddhistHolidays

Bases: _CustomBuddhistHolidays

VESAK_DATES_CUSTOM_CALENDAR = {2007: (6, 1), 2008: (5, 20), 2009: (5, 9), 2010: (5, 28), 2011: (5, 17), 2012: (5, 6), 2013: (5, 25), 2014: (5, 15), 2015: (6, 2), 2016: (5, 22), 2017: (5, 11), 2018: (5, 29), 2019: (5, 19), 2020: (5, 7), 2021: (5, 26), 2022: (5, 16), 2023: (6, 4)}
class holidays.countries.indonesia.IndonesiaChineseHolidays

Bases: _CustomChineseHolidays

LUNAR_NEW_YEAR_DATES_CUSTOM_CALENDAR = {2003: (2, 1), 2004: (1, 22), 2005: (2, 9), 2006: (1, 30), 2007: (2, 19), 2008: (2, 7), 2009: (1, 26), 2010: (2, 15), 2011: (2, 3), 2012: (1, 23), 2013: (2, 11), 2014: (1, 31), 2015: (2, 19), 2016: (2, 8), 2017: (1, 28), 2018: (2, 16), 2019: (2, 5), 2020: (1, 25), 2021: (2, 12), 2022: (2, 1), 2023: (1, 22)}
class holidays.countries.indonesia.IndonesiaIslamicHolidays

Bases: _CustomIslamicHolidays

EID_AL_ADHA_DATES_CUSTOM_CALENDAR = {2001: (3, 6), 2002: (2, 23), 2003: (2, 12), 2004: (2, 2), 2005: (1, 21), 2006: ((1, 10), (12, 31)), 2007: (12, 20), 2008: (12, 8), 2009: (11, 27), 2010: (11, 17), 2011: (11, 6), 2012: (10, 26), 2013: (10, 15), 2014: (10, 5), 2015: (9, 24), 2016: (9, 12), 2017: (9, 1), 2018: (8, 22), 2019: (8, 11), 2020: (7, 31), 2021: (7, 20), 2022: (7, 10), 2023: (6, 29)}
EID_AL_FITR_DATES_CUSTOM_CALENDAR = {2001: (12, 16), 2002: (12, 6), 2003: (11, 25), 2004: (11, 14), 2005: (11, 3), 2006: (10, 24), 2007: (10, 13), 2008: (10, 1), 2009: (9, 20), 2010: (9, 10), 2011: (8, 30), 2012: (8, 19), 2013: (8, 8), 2014: (7, 28), 2015: (7, 17), 2016: (7, 6), 2017: (6, 25), 2018: (6, 15), 2019: (6, 5), 2020: (5, 24), 2021: (5, 13), 2022: (5, 2), 2023: (4, 22), 2024: (4, 10)}
HIJRI_NEW_YEAR_DATES_CUSTOM_CALENDAR = {2001: (3, 26), 2002: (3, 15), 2003: (3, 5), 2004: (2, 22), 2005: (2, 10), 2006: (1, 31), 2007: (1, 20), 2008: ((1, 10), (12, 29)), 2009: (12, 18), 2010: (12, 7), 2011: (11, 27), 2012: (11, 15), 2013: (11, 5), 2014: (10, 25), 2015: (10, 14), 2016: (10, 2), 2017: (9, 21), 2018: (9, 11), 2019: (9, 1), 2020: (8, 20), 2021: (8, 11), 2022: (7, 30), 2023: (7, 19)}
ISRA_AND_MIRAJ_DATES_CUSTOM_CALENDAR = {2001: (10, 15), 2002: (10, 4), 2003: (9, 24), 2004: (9, 12), 2005: (9, 1), 2006: (8, 22), 2007: (8, 11), 2008: (7, 31), 2009: (7, 20), 2010: (7, 9), 2011: (6, 29), 2012: (6, 17), 2013: (6, 6), 2014: (5, 27), 2015: (5, 16), 2016: (5, 6), 2017: (4, 24), 2018: (4, 14), 2019: (4, 3), 2020: (3, 22), 2021: (3, 11), 2022: (2, 28), 2023: (2, 18)}
MAWLID_DATES_CUSTOM_CALENDAR = {2006: (4, 10), 2007: (3, 31), 2008: (3, 20), 2009: (3, 9), 2010: (2, 26), 2011: (2, 15), 2012: (2, 5), 2013: (1, 24), 2014: (1, 14), 2015: ((1, 3), (12, 24)), 2016: (12, 12), 2017: (12, 1), 2018: (11, 20), 2019: (11, 9), 2020: (10, 29), 2021: (10, 19), 2022: (10, 8)}
class holidays.countries.indonesia.IndonesiaStaticHolidays

Bases: object

election_day = 'Hari Pemilihan'
eid_al_fitr_joint_holiday = 'Cuti Bersama Hari Raya Idulfitri'
christmas_joint_holiday = 'Cuti Bersama Hari Raya Natal'
lunar_new_year_joint_holiday = 'Cuti Bersama Tahun Baru Imlek'
day_of_silence_joint_holiday = 'Cuti Bersama Hari Suci Nyepi'
special_public_holidays = {2018: (6, 27, 'Hari Pemilihan'), 2019: (4, 17, 'Hari Pemilihan'), 2020: (12, 9, 'Hari Pemilihan')}
special_government_holidays = {2022: ((4, 29, 'Cuti Bersama Hari Raya Idulfitri'), (5, 4, 'Cuti Bersama Hari Raya Idulfitri'), (5, 5, 'Cuti Bersama Hari Raya Idulfitri'), (5, 6, 'Cuti Bersama Hari Raya Idulfitri'), (12, 26, 'Cuti Bersama Hari Raya Natal')), 2023: ((1, 23, 'Cuti Bersama Tahun Baru Imlek'), (3, 23, 'Cuti Bersama Hari Suci Nyepi'), (4, 19, 'Cuti Bersama Hari Raya Idulfitri'), (4, 20, 'Cuti Bersama Hari Raya Idulfitri'), (4, 21, 'Cuti Bersama Hari Raya Idulfitri'), (4, 24, 'Cuti Bersama Hari Raya Idulfitri'), (4, 25, 'Cuti Bersama Hari Raya Idulfitri'), (12, 26, 'Cuti Bersama Hari Raya Natal'))}