

SG(*args, **kwargs)

A subclass of HolidayBase representing public holidays in Singapore.

SGP(*args, **kwargs)

A subclass of HolidayBase representing public holidays in Singapore.

Singapore(*args, **kwargs)

A subclass of HolidayBase representing public holidays in Singapore.






class holidays.countries.singapore.Singapore(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ObservedHolidayBase, BuddhistCalendarHolidays, ChineseCalendarHolidays, ChristianHolidays, HinduCalendarHolidays, InternationalHolidays, IslamicHolidays, StaticHolidays

A subclass of HolidayBase representing public holidays in Singapore.


  • Prior to 1969: holidays are estimated.

  • Prior to 2000: holidays may not be accurate.

  • 2024 and later: the following four moving date holidays (whose exact date is announced yearly) are estimated, and so denoted:

    • Hari Raya Puasa

    • Hari Raya Haji

    • Vesak Day

    • Deepavali



Country created and maintained by: Mike Borsetti

See parameters and usage in HolidayBase.

country: str = 'SG'

The country’s ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.

observed_label = '%s (observed)'
class holidays.countries.singapore.SG(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Singapore

A subclass of HolidayBase representing public holidays in Singapore.


  • Prior to 1969: holidays are estimated.

  • Prior to 2000: holidays may not be accurate.

  • 2024 and later: the following four moving date holidays (whose exact date is announced yearly) are estimated, and so denoted:

    • Hari Raya Puasa

    • Hari Raya Haji

    • Vesak Day

    • Deepavali



Country created and maintained by: Mike Borsetti

See parameters and usage in HolidayBase.

class holidays.countries.singapore.SGP(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Singapore

A subclass of HolidayBase representing public holidays in Singapore.


  • Prior to 1969: holidays are estimated.

  • Prior to 2000: holidays may not be accurate.

  • 2024 and later: the following four moving date holidays (whose exact date is announced yearly) are estimated, and so denoted:

    • Hari Raya Puasa

    • Hari Raya Haji

    • Vesak Day

    • Deepavali



Country created and maintained by: Mike Borsetti

See parameters and usage in HolidayBase.

class holidays.countries.singapore.SingaporeBuddhistHolidays

Bases: _CustomBuddhistHolidays

VESAK_DATES_CUSTOM_CALENDAR = {2001: (5, 7), 2002: (5, 26), 2003: (5, 15), 2004: (6, 2), 2005: (5, 22), 2006: (5, 12), 2007: (5, 31), 2008: (5, 19), 2009: (5, 9), 2010: (5, 28), 2011: (5, 17), 2012: (5, 5), 2013: (5, 24), 2014: (5, 13), 2015: (6, 1), 2016: (5, 21), 2017: (5, 10), 2018: (5, 29), 2019: (5, 19), 2020: (5, 7), 2021: (5, 26), 2022: (5, 15), 2023: (6, 2), 2024: (5, 22)}
class holidays.countries.singapore.SingaporeChineseHolidays

Bases: _CustomChineseHolidays

LUNAR_NEW_YEAR_DATES_CUSTOM_CALENDAR = {2001: (1, 24), 2002: (2, 12), 2003: (2, 1), 2004: (1, 22), 2005: (2, 9), 2006: (1, 30), 2007: (2, 19), 2008: (2, 7), 2009: (1, 26), 2010: (2, 14), 2011: (2, 3), 2012: (1, 23), 2013: (2, 10), 2014: (1, 31), 2015: (2, 19), 2016: (2, 8), 2017: (1, 28), 2018: (2, 16), 2019: (2, 5), 2020: (1, 25), 2021: (2, 12), 2022: (2, 1), 2023: (1, 22), 2024: (2, 10)}
class holidays.countries.singapore.SingaporeHinduHolidays

Bases: _CustomHinduHolidays

DIWALI_DATES_CUSTOM_CALENDAR = {2001: (11, 14), 2002: (11, 3), 2003: (10, 23), 2004: (11, 11), 2005: (11, 1), 2006: (10, 21), 2007: (11, 8), 2008: (10, 27), 2009: (11, 15), 2010: (11, 5), 2011: (10, 26), 2012: (11, 13), 2013: (11, 2), 2014: (10, 22), 2015: (11, 10), 2016: (10, 29), 2017: (10, 18), 2018: (11, 6), 2019: (10, 27), 2020: (11, 14), 2021: (11, 4), 2022: (10, 24), 2023: (11, 12), 2024: (10, 31)}
class holidays.countries.singapore.SingaporeIslamicHolidays

Bases: _CustomIslamicHolidays

EID_AL_ADHA_DATES_CUSTOM_CALENDAR = {2001: (3, 6), 2002: (2, 23), 2003: (2, 12), 2004: (2, 1), 2005: (1, 21), 2006: ((1, 10), (12, 31)), 2007: (12, 20), 2008: (12, 8), 2009: (11, 27), 2010: (11, 17), 2011: (11, 6), 2012: (10, 26), 2013: (10, 15), 2014: (10, 5), 2015: (9, 24), 2016: (9, 12), 2017: (9, 1), 2018: (8, 22), 2019: (8, 11), 2020: (7, 31), 2021: (7, 20), 2022: (7, 10), 2023: (6, 29), 2024: (6, 17)}
EID_AL_FITR_DATES_CUSTOM_CALENDAR = {2001: (12, 16), 2002: (12, 6), 2003: (11, 25), 2004: (11, 14), 2005: (11, 3), 2006: (10, 24), 2007: (10, 13), 2008: (10, 1), 2009: (9, 20), 2010: (9, 10), 2011: (8, 30), 2012: (8, 19), 2013: (8, 8), 2014: (7, 28), 2015: (7, 17), 2016: (7, 6), 2017: (6, 25), 2018: (6, 15), 2019: (6, 5), 2020: (5, 24), 2021: (5, 13), 2022: (5, 3), 2023: (4, 22), 2024: (4, 10)}
class holidays.countries.singapore.SingaporeStaticHolidays

Bases: object

special_public_holidays = {2001: (11, 3, 'Polling Day'), 2006: (5, 6, 'Polling Day'), 2011: (5, 7, 'Polling Day'), 2015: ((8, 7, 'SG50 Public Holiday'), (9, 11, 'Polling Day')), 2020: (7, 10, 'Polling Day'), 2023: (9, 1, 'Polling Day')}
special_public_holidays_observed = {2007: (1, 2, 'Hari Raya Haji')}